To be a father is a gift. To be a father of two precocious boys and a baby boy…well, that’s a blessing only another father would understand.

Oh, to where will our imaginations take us? What adventures might we have? “That one, drive up that one!” my oldest shouts as he points on to another peak. “Okay,” I reply, as our Ford diesel 4×4 makes its steady crawl up the slope.

“We can go anywhere,” my oldest reassures his little brother, “Daddy’s truck is strong.” The baby bounces unfazed in his car seat, never doubting that we’ll find our destination.

What grand vantage might we find atop this newly-ascended mount? Why, a terrain littered with an endless supply of throwing rocks. It might as well be another planet. Everything here is new to discover. Every leaf a treasure.

We’re on our way home from SEMA. As we drive through the desert, with no other purpose than to entertain my children, my thoughts of showroom floors fade into the distance. No shiny bumper or super winch to distract me. I’m busy. Actually driving. My BF Goodrich All Terrains take me to just that place.
All terrains.

I’ve taken my boys through countless cities, deep dark forests, mountains high and covered with snow and mud thick and low. Through it all, through thick and thin, my BFGs took my boys to other worlds. To all the places I could give them with just a turn of my wheel. The world is our playground.

To be a father is a gift. You see, I found the fountain of youth. The more I give my boys, the younger they make me. I may transport them to a mountain top, but they actually take me with them. To a place away from everything that burdens me as a ‘grown up.’ It all fades like the dust behind us.

Our home may be just four hours from Las Vegas on the map, but we’ll be nowhere near there by then. There’s just too much to explore on the way. Too many hills to climb. We’ll take our time. Time to explore our playground earth.

We’ll be out until the sun sets and the light fades on our newest adventure.